About Us

Carolina Landscaping and Clean Up is designed to do quality work, and not just to make a buck. We take pride in our work and if we are unable to take care of what you need, we will only recommend people who we feel comfortable doing the work that could give you close to the quality we offer. We believe in the saying "you get what you pay for". Even if we are not chosen to do jobs, we will explain to you with the quote how you should have it done properly with whatever company you chose. We also like to do major clean up jobs that other people do not usually mess with, as well as basic lawn care work. As all companies, we have a certain math equation on each job that makes sure we are in the profits while giving you our best work. Our owner is always included on or able to visit the jobs. We do not like seeing companies that get so large, the owners do not know what the jobs are or where they are. Carolina Landscaping and Clean Up also works with customers and other companies that may need help or may not have the equipment or skills to handle jobs. We also offer consultations to oversee other companies's jobs to make sure they are being done properly for a home owner or business owner. Sometimes you need someone to be out of the box to look at layouts, or onsite to make sure things are noticed and taken care of.
Feel free to contact Eric Saunders, owner of Carolina Landscaping and Clean Up, with any questions.
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