Carolina Landscaping and Clean Up

grass removal, regrade and sod installations

Remove old grass, regrade and install new sod.
(843) 222-1294
P.0. Box 166 North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597


Sod Installation / prep Gallery

These photos are from past Sod installation or sod prep jobs we have done.

Some have been removing old grass, adding dirt, grading, fixing irrigation, fixing drainage and installing sod. When having companies install sod, you must make sure proper soil and ground prep is done. A lot of companies throw sod down improperly around here and just toss it down and leave lots of gaps. Those gaps take seasons or years to fill in and more work than if they would have made sure the pieces were tightly put down to prevent gaps. Sod needs to be watered properly multiple times a day. Sod must grow together before you go to mow it, so it doesn't move apart on you. You get rough estimated four hundred fifty square feet on a pallet. Different types of sod grow at different times of the year so you must check on that type of grass you want to put down to figure out when you can get it to install it. Sometimes paying a little more for sod is better due to showing they put proper chemicals down to keep away bugs or other things when growing the sod at the farm. If you are going to install on hills or have a company install, make sure staples are used to keep it in place. Make sure you have good working irrigation with good coverage on the yard. When we price the sod installations, we itemize the quotes so you can see all that is included. It may seem higher, but you see what all is being done or included vs a company just saying half the price and no real information. If you install sod in your yard and it seems to die out in a year in spots, contact a company like ours to come get a feel for what might be going on and see how we can try and fix the issue. We would have to know all the work you had done when you did the process of that area to make sure that you did bring in topsoil to give it proper nutrients. There are no grubs or moles, or other issues going on with the grass that might have not been from the installation process.

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Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede, drainage and removed 2 trees in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Emerald Green Zoysia sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Emerald Green Zoysia sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Emerald Green Zoysia sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Emerald Green Zoysia sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Emerald Green Zoysia sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Emerald Green Zoysia sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Emerald Green Zoysia sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Centipede sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass, added soil and installed Bermuda sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed rock beds, moved the rock and installed sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed rock beds, moved the rock and installed sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed rock beds, moved the rock and installed sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed rock beds, moved the rock and installed sod down in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed old grass and installed Emerald Green Zoysia in Forestbrook,SC 29579
Removed Shrubs, repaired irrigation and installed sod in Windy Hill, SC 29582
Removed Shrubs, repaired irrigation and installed sod in Windy Hill, SC 29582
Removed Shrubs, repaired irrigation and installed sod in Windy Hill, SC 29582
Removed Shrubs, repaired irrigation and installed sod in Windy Hill, SC 29582
Removed Shrubs, repaired irrigation and installed sod in Windy Hill, SC 29582
Removed Shrubs, repaired irrigation and installed sod in Windy Hill, SC 29582
Removed Shrubs, repaired irrigation and installed sod in Windy Hill, SC 29582
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia Sod in Sunset Beach,NC 28468
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia Sod in Sunset Beach,NC 28468
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia Sod in Sunset Beach,NC 28468
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia Sod in Sunset Beach,NC 28468
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia Sod in Sunset Beach,NC 28468
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia Sod in Sunset Beach,NC 28468
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia Sod in Sunset Beach,NC 28468
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia Sod in Sunset Beach,NC 28468
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Raise and grade ground, install berms,plants and sod in North Myrtle Beach,SC 29582
Repair irrigation,install sod and plants in Longs,SC 29568
Repair irrigation,install sod and plants in Longs,SC 29568
Repair irrigation,install sod and plants in Longs,SC 29568
Repair irrigation,install sod and plants in Longs,SC 29568
Repair irrigation,install sod and plants in Longs,SC 29568
Repair irrigation,install sod and plants in Longs,SC 29568
Repair irrigation,install sod and plants in Longs,SC 29568
Repair irrigation,install sod and plants in Longs,SC 29568
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Little River,SC 29566
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Windy Hill,SC 29582
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Windy Hill,SC 29582
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Windy Hill,SC 29582
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Windy Hill,SC 29582
Removed old grass and installed Zoysia sod in Windy Hill,SC 29582
Removed tree and shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Removed tree and shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Removed tree and shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Removed tree and shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Removed tree and shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Prepped ground and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Prepped ground and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Prepped ground and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Prepped ground and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Prepped ground and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Prepped ground and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
Prepped ground and installed sod in Longs, SC 29568
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
removed centiped, brought in top soil and installed wide blade Zoysia
ripped out brush and installed centipede sod
ripped out brush and installed centipede sod
ripped out brush and installed centipede sod
ripped out brush and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill and installed centipede sod
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill to prep for sod in Little River, SC 29566
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill to prep for sod in Little River, SC 29566
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill to prep for sod in Little River, SC 29566
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill to prep for sod in Little River, SC 29566
Brought in 5 dump truck loads of fill to prep for sod in Little River, SC 29566
Brought in dirt to raise ground and delivered sod for customer to put out in Little River, SC 29566
Brought in dirt to raise ground and delivered sod for customer to put out in Little River, SC 29566
Brought in dirt to raise ground and delivered sod for customer to put out in Little River, SC 29566
Brought in dirt to raise ground and delivered sod for customer to put out in Little River, SC 29566
Brought in dirt to raise ground and delivered sod for customer to put out in Little River, SC 29566
Removed shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Removed shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Removed shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Removed shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Removed shrubs and installed sod in Little River, SC 29566
Removed trees, shrubs and installed beds with rock and sod Little River, SC 29566
Removed trees, shrubs and installed beds with rock and sod Little River, SC 29566
Removed trees, shrubs and installed beds with rock and sod Little River, SC 29566
Removed trees, shrubs and installed beds with rock and sod Little River, SC 29566
Removed trees, shrubs and installed beds with rock and sod Little River, SC 29566
Removed trees, shrubs and installed beds with rock and sod Little River, SC 29566
Removed trees, shrubs and installed beds with rock and sod Little River, SC 29566
Removed trees, shrubs and installed beds with rock and sod Little River, SC 29566
Brought in top soil and layed Centipede sod in Longs, SC 29568
Brought in top soil and layed Centipede sod in Longs, SC 29568
Brought in top soil and layed Centipede sod in Longs, SC 29568
Brought in top soil and layed Centipede sod in Longs, SC 29568
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
Install Centipede sod, owner did the prep work in Little River, SC 29566
remove Centipede and install Zoysia sod in Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
remove Centipede and install Zoysia sod in Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
remove Centipede and install Zoysia sod in Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
remove Centipede and install Zoysia sod in Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
remove Centipede and install Zoysia sod in Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
remove Centipede and install Zoysia sod in Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
install sod in old beds in Little River,SC 29566
install sod in old beds in Little River,SC 29566
install sod in old beds in Little River,SC 29566
install sod in old beds in Little River,SC 29566
install sod in old beds in Little River,SC 29566
install sod in old beds in Little River,SC 29566
install sod in old beds in Little River,SC 29566
install sod in old beds in Little River,SC 29566
Removed some wooded area and installed sod in Little River,SC
Removed some wooded area and installed sod in Little River,SC
Removed some wooded area and installed sod in Little River,SC
Removed some wooded area and installed sod in Little River,SC
Removed some wooded area and installed sod in Little River,SC
Removed some wooded area and installed sod in Little River,SC
Removed some wooded area and installed sod in Little River,SC
Installed 1 pallet of Zoysia
Installed 1 pallet of Zoysia
Installed 1 pallet of Zoysia
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
remove 2 stumps, roots, prep ground for sod
We brought 20 ton of fill dirt in and graded for sod, and delivered 2 pallets for home owner
We brought 20 ton of fill dirt in and graded for sod, and delivered 2 pallets for home owner
We brought 20 ton of fill dirt in and graded for sod, and delivered 2 pallets for home owner
We brought 20 ton of fill dirt in and graded for sod, and delivered 2 pallets for home owner
We brought 20 ton of fill dirt in and graded for sod, and delivered 2 pallets for home owner
We brought 20 ton of fill dirt in and graded for sod, and delivered 2 pallets for home owner
We brought 20 ton of fill dirt in and graded for sod, and delivered 2 pallets for home owner
We brought 20 ton of fill dirt in and graded for sod, and delivered 2 pallets for home owner
Installed top soil and sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed top soil and sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed top soil and sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed top soil and sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed top soil and sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed 4 pallets of sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed 4 pallets of sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed 4 pallets of sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed 4 pallets of sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed 4 pallets of sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed 4 pallets of sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed 4 pallets of sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed 4 pallets of sod in Longs,SC 29568
Installed 4 pallets of sod in Longs,SC 29568
Tractor graded ground, added topsoil and sod in Conway, SC 29526
Tractor graded ground, added topsoil and sod in Conway, SC 29526
Tractor graded ground, added topsoil and sod in Conway, SC 29526
Rolled out ruts, put some top soil and sod down Longs, SC 29568
Rolled out ruts, put some top soil and sod down Longs, SC 29568
Rolled out ruts, put some top soil and sod down Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass, old sand area, installed top soil, sod Longs, SC 29568
Removed old grass area, installed top soil, sod and mulch Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Removed old grass area, installed top soil, sod and mulch Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Removed old grass area, installed top soil, sod and mulch Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Removed old grass area, installed top soil, sod and mulch Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Removed old grass area, installed top soil, sod and mulch Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Removed old grass area, installed top soil, sod and mulch Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Removed old grass area, installed top soil, sod and mulch Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Removed old grass area, installed top soil, sod and mulch Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Removed old grass area, installed top soil, sod and mulch Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
Removed shrubs, installed sod Conway, SC
Removed shrubs, installed sod Conway, SC
Removed shrubs, installed sod Conway, SC
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Placed sod at a clean up job in Cherry Grove, SC 29582
Fixed wash outs in the hill and installed sod Longs, SC 29568
Fixed wash outs in the hill and installed sod Longs, SC 29568
Fixed wash outs in the hill and installed sod Longs, SC 29568
Fixed wash outs in the hill and installed sod Longs, SC 29568
Fixed wash outs in the hill and installed sod Longs, SC 29568
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
removed trees stump ground graded and put sod down
Add dirt grade hill fix irrigation install sod
Add dirt grade hill fix irrigation install sod
Add dirt grade hill fix irrigation install sod
Add dirt grade hill fix irrigation install sod
Add dirt grade hill fix irrigation install sod
Add dirt grade hill fix irrigation install sod
Add dirt grade hill fix irrigation install sod
Add dirt grade hill fix irrigation install sod
Add dirt grade hill fix irrigation install sod
Remove old grass and install new sod in front yard
Remove old grass and install new sod in front yard
Remove old grass and install new sod in front yard
Remove old grass and install new sod in front yard
Remove old grass and install new sod in front yard
Remove old grass and install new sod in front yard
Remove old grass and install new sod in front yard
Remove old grass and install new sod in front yard
Remove old grass and install new sod in front yard
SOD replacement Cherry Grove
SOD replacement Cherry Grove
SOD installation Cypress Village Little River
SOD installation Cypress Village Little River
SOD installation Cypress Village Little River
SOD installation Cypress Village Little River
SOD installation Cypress Village Little River
SOD installation Cypress Village Little River
SOD installation Lafeyette Park Little River
SOD installation Lafeyette Park Little River